On the occasion of #Childrens#Day we have some fantastic news to share! Menlo in launching a #charity program for facilities that undertake initiatives for the benefit of children and young people
The aim of project “Energy to power your future” is to provide those institutions with free photovoltaic installations. The funds saved thanks to the reduction of energy costs will be used to implement the planned educational initiatives
We started to assemble the first installation today at Primary School No. 15 in Sosnowiec. The action wouldn’t be possible without our partners who provided the modules (Jinko Solar), the inverter (Sungrow) and the Proeko Energy company, which is
responsible for the design and montage. We are convinced that this 25kW installation will be an important support for the facility.
The project will be carried out cyclically. We invite institutions from all over Europe to participate in the next edition. Applications are accepted at the mail address contact@menloelectric.com